
my (non) sense

Taking notes with neovim

I spend a lot of time in my neovim and as a result it is one of the fastes ways for me to write down a note, and copy and past some text to remember later on. This is specially handy at work, to keep track of a quick Todo list or if I need to keep hold of some debug log line, a reference link and so on.

Taking notes

I use vimwiki, which gives me a global keybinding to

  • edit or create a new file for today mapped to <Leader>w<Leader>w
  • edit or create a new file for yesterday mapped to <Leader>w<Leader>y
  • jump to the wiki index file for more long term note taking mapped to <Leader>ww

I've configured vimwiki to create markdown files instead of wiki files:

let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/',
      \ 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]

vim markdown is used to improve markdown handling in neovim.

Finding notes

Often times just looking back at yesterdays todolist if enough.

When I'm looking for notes that I might have taken a while ago, I use telescope to do an interactive full text fuzzy search:

command! FindNote :Telescope live_grep cwd=~/vimwiki

Seting cwd=~/vimwiki makes this a global command which will always search my notes regardless of my current directory.


I use Google Drive to sync local file changes to cloud storage. My vimwiki folder in my home directory is actually symlinked to my Google Drive: vimwiki -> Google Drive/vimwiki

This allows me to use the same setup at work, where the symlink instead points to the Google File Stream app that allows companies to stream shared files, keeping my private notes separate from work notes, whilst using the exact same setup.